Monday, August 3, 2015

the karma of South-North migration


Hal Pepinsky,, “peacemaking” at

August 3, 2015


                                Cheers to NPR’s “On Point” guest host Ken Donvan for putting together a panel and call-ins which affirms the underlying refusal to accept refugees, including accompanied and unaccompanied children fleeing violence created in the wake of European colonization and occupation, as it has been created by US created, organized combination of political and economic and climatological violence, refugees defined by Northern nations as “economic” and hence not covered by the UN convention on the status of refugees (  It is the karma of Christian-based white Northern privilege who have those whose labor and environment were exploited to enrich us, come to us for safety and escape the impoverishment and violence we created and supported in the process—notably violence created by the overt and covert US war on drugs.  Seldom have I heard the problem as Northern moral responsibility put as clearly and cogently as in the hour-long conversation Ken Donvan conducted today.  While the focus of the problem may be on Europe, as a caller from Nebraska makes explicit, that the problem applies to US.  The US has a long, sad history of professing to welcome immigrants (“give me your tired, your poor), while practicing detention and tightening border controls.  I join Donvan’s guests in feeling a sense of moral and practical responsibility for profiting from shrinking the habitable surface of our planet for our own gain.  Special thanks to “On Point” for today’s program; it’s an educational gem.  Love and peace, hal

1 comment:

  1. Hal, thanks for the reference, the comment, and the attention to the lives of these people. Peace.
